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ADM Interactive - Password: “Midagi uut!”, Dan Southern, Contagious Magazine (UK)

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Tere, hea lugeja! Blogin jälle Passwordilt ja teen seda esinejaga võimalikult sünkroonis. Seega – ole väikeste näpukate suhtes leebe ja mõistev, sest proovin siia ettekannetest võimalikult detailse ülevaate anda. Ja – esimese päeva esimene ettekanne: Dan Southern, Contagious Magazine: “Midagi uut!”. Hando andis ettekandest eestikeelse ülevaate: !See ettekanne põhineb aastatepikkusel konverentsikülastajate tagasisidel. Küsimusele „Mida soovite konverentsil kuulda?“ [...]

Tere, hea lugeja! Blogin jälle Passwordilt ja teen seda esinejaga võimalikult sünkroonis. Seega – ole väikeste näpukate suhtes leebe ja mõistev, sest proovin siia ettekannetest võimalikult detailse ülevaate anda.

Ja – esimese päeva esimene ettekanne: Dan Southern, Contagious Magazine: “Midagi uut!”.

Hando andis ettekandest eestikeelse ülevaate: !See ettekanne põhineb aastatepikkusel konverentsikülastajate tagasisidel. Küsimusele „Mida soovite konverentsil kuulda?“ on levinuim vastus „Midagi uut!“. Palusime esinejal spetsiaalselt Eesti turundajate jaoks panna kokku ettekanne, mis sisaldaks ainult uusimaid kampaanianäiteid, trende ja uudiseid. Dan Southern on Contagious Magazine konsultant ja kaasautor. Ta annab turundustrendide- alast nõu sellistele ettevõtetele nagu Nike, Google, Sony Ericsson ja Louis Vuitton. Contagious on Briti turundusajakiri ja veeb, mis keskendub turundustehnoloogiate ja -trendide uurimisele ja turunduskonsultatsioonidele.”

Ja  nüüd siis esineja ise:

I am here to bring you hope about creativity in marketing.

There is another way of coming downstairs than coming pump-pump-pump like Winnie-the-Pooh.That is how marketing people often feel – there must be another way!

People do not need marketing. World would not be a worse place if we did not have marketing. Still… we can say that everything today  IS marketing. Everything people talk about your company, is advertising.

Marketing language places barriers between them and us. To advertisers people are just a capacity to buy. People themselves do not perceive themselves that way, as you can quite easily see. Marketing should be for these people, not “a capacity to buy”, not for robots.

Contemporary marketing language:

Engagement is more important then reach:

we should not measure how many we reach, but how many REACT. Think more what you should do to engage people. Bombing passive consumers with numerous TV commercials is not what we should do. “I would rather have 100 highly engaged fans on a Facebook page who actually share and discuss than 100000 passive fans”. Example: Axe/Anarchy Razorfish chaos unleashed campaign. 3,2 million views of the Graphic Novel trailer. 42, 941 votes. 15 249 suggestions.

The idea of that _very successful campaign: your audience is not targets, it is people. Put them at the center, make them a hero.

Projects, not campaigns!

You shoud be out there with commitment, not a campaign, even if it brilliant! It is like hanging out a sign and then taking it away without any sense of continuity.

Example: GE/The GE Show Barbarian Group

GE Show is an engaging way to let people know about GE – this project focuses on brand advocates, believes that there are people who are already interested in the content. GE do not create a false image of themselves to “advertise” themselves agressively. They just bring people to their story. They made many videos about their activities, “lighted a lot of fires”, and let people vote for these projects that had the most importance locally.  Engagement. Flexibility. Commitment. Continuity.

C. Baily, Burberry: “We are as much a media content company now as design company, because it is all  about the overall experience.”

Example Funerarias. A small company thinking out of the box. A page where people can post their “the one thing l would love to do before I die”. On weekly bases the most popular wish will be fulfilled (if possible).

Augmented content

Have you noticed how often people talk about the content they consume? About the content they are interested in. In that sense TV advertises are like a very impolite and agressive person that is shouting out loud and disturbing you from consuming the content you want to: TV series, movies etc.

Example: Pepsi sound off is live. (in US only..) but there is a clip.

By using augmented content, by creating a layer of engagement, you get a lot more attention from consumers.

Marketing should be more about service design

There is a huge difference how representatives of a brand perceive how the experience of the brand feels like – and how consumers perceive it. One of the  main reasons of that difference is democratised tehcnology. If we have a problem with a brand, we take our devices, a computer, laptop or mobile and try to solve the problem – or talk about it. Unfortunately  you experience quite often a failure here – the failure of branded utility.

Example: Västtraffic/ Sightseeing app, Forsman and Bodenfors

A good example of a service that is designed based on the needs of customers. The app is downloaded about 10 000 times. It is not a huge success, but it is still 10 000 people who have toured around the city. Västtrafik have a goal of producing advertising that is not – ar at least not perceived – as advertising.

Example: Okamoto/ Freedom Project, TBWA/Tequila Singapore

A condom producer created campaigns that were based on everyday problems of young Singaporians and said: “condoms can solve quite many of your problems”.

5% club

Every year put 5% of your budget aside for experimenting. With new technology, with new ideas. Mark Holden: “We will see as much change in the next 5 years as we have done in the last 10.”.

Example: Ikea/ Beröra/ SMFB

BGH/ Quick Chef a very good example of taking some risks in launching a very common product. Not exactly a groundbreaking new product, but as the microwaves sold out rapidly, the approach was proven to be very successful.

In conclusion: when creating a content, think: is it useful? relevant? entertaining? Answering this question before you release any kind of content to your customers could make your marketing more consumer-centered and more engaging.

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