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Stride Challenges You to Break Records for Long-Lasting Activities


Most of us can find perfectly enjoyable ways to waste our time without brand intervention. For those dullards who can't, JWT and Stride gum—of "Ridiculously long lasting" fame—picked June 21, the longest day of the year, to launch a contest centered on breaking "records" for 100 silly long-lasting activities supposedly set by Stride's marketing team. The first record, featured yesterday, was for the longest balloon volley between two people using their heads. (In the video below, the two women made it 18.26 seconds. I would've sucked out the helium and quacked "Aflac!" about three seconds in.) Today's challenge is the longest time kicking one's own butt. Other records waiting to be broken: tallest soda-can tower, largest duct-tape flower, and most people jumping on a hotel bed. My favorite is "highest tap dance." I believe I personally set that record as an undergrad in the chem lab with Phish blaring on the boom box. Folks can send Stride videos of themselves breaking the records, and if their times hold up after 100 days when the contest ends, they win $500. Not such a long-lasting prize, but whatever. It goes without saying which "long-lasting" record would generate the most buzz, but this kind of contest could never condone such prurient antics, and anyone making the attempt would be advised to consult their doctor around the four-hour mark.

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